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Individual Client Video Reviews of The Peck Law Firm

Mark Younce reviews The Peck Law Firm

Mark Younce

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Mark hired the Peck Law Firm when he needed help during a difficult time in his marriage. In the end, The Peck Law Firm was able to help Mark and his wife reconcile and get back together.

Georgeanne Ridgill reviews The Peck Law Firm

Georgeanne Ridgill

Charleston, SC

Georgeanne was shocked when her husband told her he was filing for divorce. After a couple of months, she found The Peck Law Firm. Her lawyer listened to her personal story and helped her get back to being her own person.

Joe Fahland reviews The Peck Law Firm

Joe Fahland

North Charleston, SC

Joe found himself going through a divorce, which ended up turning into a custody battle. The odds were against him. He was a father going up against a mother. Find out how the Peck Law Firm helped him get custody.

Susan Gough reviews The Peck Law Firm

Susan Gough

Daniel Island, SC

Susan chose the Peck Law Firm based an a recommendation from a trusted friend. Find out how the Peck Law Firm helped her move beyond one of the most trying times in her life to ensure the safety of her child.

More Client Reviews From People Like You

Bethany Lee initialsBethany Lee 4 years ago
Mr. Peck took the time out of his day to personally call and follow up on an email that I had sent him on the same day. I am not a client of his but just needed some important questions answered and he gladly took the time not only answer my question but to further extend my knowledge of my situation. All as a free consultation. It is so wonderful to know that there are great, respectful lawyers out there such Mr. Peck. Thank you so much for your time.

**The Rules of Professional Conduct require disclosure that this is a “Testimonial” about the attorney. Please be aware that any result achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.