Contacting the Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

Help with your divorce is just one phone call or click away. The call is absolutely free and is the quickest and best way for you to get the information that you need.

We have three convenient locations to serve you.

      • Downtown Charleston (49 Archdale Street) is across the street from the Memminger Auditorium with easy access from Lockwood Blvd. and plenty of parking in the immediate area.
      • Mt. Pleasant (950 Houston Northcutt Blvd Suite 201)
      • Summerville (1520 Old Trolley Road) is next to the Carolina One Real Estate building and across the street from CVS.

<!–– If you prefer, you can also send me written questions. I will get back to you quickly with answers, at no charge. Just type in your name, phone number, email address, and your questions in the spaces provided in the form to the right. Send me your questions today, while you are thinking of the problems you are facing.–>

Let’s get started building a better future for you. I am looking forward to your call.

Charleston Office

The Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

49 Archdale Street, Suite 2C

Charleston, SC 29401

(843) 631-7117

Mt. Pleasant Office

The Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

950 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Suite 201

Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

(843) 800-2928

Summerville Office

The Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

1520 Old Trolley Road, Suite 201

Summerville, SC 29485

(843) 755-4989