Even Decades-Long Marriages Not Safe from Divorce

Older couple sitting on a benchA popular, old adage says that if your marriage lasts five years, you don’t have to worry about divorce.

Like many people, you may be surprised to hear that friends or family members are divorcing after decades of marriage.

Unfortunately, no marriage—regardless of how long it has lasted—is immune from the risk of divorce. Some problems, like the infidelity of a spouse, can arise at any time, threatening the relationship. Other problems occur precisely because a couple has been married for years. 

A recent article in the Huffington Post sheds light on three common problems that lead to divorce after decades of marriage.

Many spouses experience a loss of connection. When the children have left to go to college or have gotten married, some parents wonder how the marriage will work now that it is not centered on building a family. Danielle Horwich, a licensed clinical social worker quoted in the article, said of this problem: “Some couples will see this transition as a vibrant opportunity to embark on new adventures. Others, will look toward one another and see they no longer recognize and understand the partner they married.”

The realization that life is short is another killer of many marriages. As spouses get older, they often reevaluate their lives. If they believe that the marriage isn’t allowing them to meet their life goals, this can be an impetus to divorce and make the most of the time they have left.

Finally, the article reported that a lack of coping skills can predict a death knoll for marriages. Though a person’s later years are sometimes called the “golden years,” this period of life can be plagued with significant challenges. Spouses may have to deal with health issues, caring for aging parents, and the death of loved ones. How they react to and manage these issues can determine whether the marriage continues to last.

If your spouse has told you that he or she wants a divorce after years or decades of marriage, it can come as a shock. If he or she isn’t receptive to fixing your marriage, it’s time to talk to an understanding divorce lawyer in Charleston, SC about your options.

Please feel free to call The Peck Law Firm for help. Working together, we will build a better future for you.


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