Free CLE Event For The Charleston Community

We are honored that the Charleston Bar Association has invited the Peck Law Firm to lecture on “Essentials of Family Law” at a CLE program to be held at the Charleston Public Library.

Three attorneys from our firm will be speaking, including Kenneth Peck, Andrew Brener, and Thomas Smith.

Everyone is invited to attend this free event, even if you are not a lawyer. If you are considering a divorce, this seminar is a good place for you to start. The materials will help you gain a better understanding of the divorce process and some of the significant legal issues that you may encounter.

If you are a lawyer, you may be particularly interested in the website marketing portion of our seminar.

The event takes place on September 26th. You can pre-register here:

Walk-in registration at the event will also be available.

To learn more about the topics and speakers, refer to our brochure below: