The Peck Law Firm 2017 Scholarship Essay Contest

The new school year is here!

For many college and graduate school students, this time of year brings the stress of new classes, tests, and the worry of how they’re going to pay for school. And, it doesn’t stop there. Parents are often forced to borrow to help their children pay for tuition, fees and related costs.

As our response to this crisis in higher education, we are pleased to announce the 2nd annual 2017 Peck Law Firm Scholarship essay contest!

For this year’s contest, we challenge students to tell us how the 2016 presidential election will affect our culture. Our 2017 scholarship essay topic is: What effects will the election of our new president have on American families?

This $2,000 scholarship is open to any American citizen, who:

  • has graduated from high school before July 1, 2017,
  • has a minimum GPA of 3.0, and
  • will be attending college, graduate school, or law school in the fall semester of 2017.

Applying for the scholarship is straightforward. Each student must: (1) complete the scholarship application; (2) submit an essay of 1,000 words or less; and (3) attach a resume and applicable transcripts. The application deadline is May 31, 2017. The winner will be announced on July 31, 2017.

The scholarship application and detailed rules can be found here.

For our 2016 scholarship contest, we had many great essays. We are extremely excited to see what thought provoking essays we will receive this year.

Congratulations again to our 2016 scholarship winner, Bennett Lunn!

Good luck to everyone applying this year!