What Are the Top Ten Causes of Divorce?

Is divorce in your future?

The top 10 causes of divorce in America are:

  1. Adultery
  2. Incompatibility or growing apart
  3. Alcohol or drug use
  4. Financial problems
  5. Getting married too young or too soon
  6. Lack of sexual intimacy
  7. Frequent arguments
  8. Lack of communication
  9. Domestic violence
  10. Differences in education or intellect

The “real” reason that most marriages end is a lack of commitment to the marriage between the parties. This lack of commitment typically surfaces in the form or one or more of these commonly listed cause for divorces.
How many of these problems are emerging in your marriage?

Infidelity or Adultery

Infidelity or adultery is often cited as one of the leading cause of divorce. According to research published in the peer-reviewed journal Couple and Family Psychology, more than 21% of recently divorced spouses said that adultery had been the sole cause or the “final straw” which led to their divorce. In South Carolina, proving adultery is one of only three ways that you can get a fault-based divorce.

Alcoholism or Drug Abuse

Substance abuse, including alcohol or drug addiction, was found to be the third-leading cause of divorce among recently divorced spouses, according to the research study of the National Institute of Health. Since alcoholism and drug abuse can be so destructive to a marriage, South Carolina Family Courts allow innocent spouses to get fault-based divorces for alcoholism or drug abuse.

Financial Problems and Other Economic Factors

Money problems are another major cause for divorce. Significant marital tension often results when spouses are struggling with financial issues. In other marriages, trouble will arise when one spouse handles money in a manner that the other spouse does not approve. Likewise, marriages fail where one spouse engages in “financial infidelity” by hiding money received or spending money without telling the innocent spouse.

Getting Married Too Early or Too Young

Getting married too soon after meeting and getting married too young are common circumstances that later result in divorce. “Love at first sight” often blinds men and women to serious shortcomings in their relationship. Likewise, many people lack the vision and maturity in their 20’s to understand what is required for a lasting marriage.

Lack of Sexual Intimacy Can Cause Divorce

Many couples cite a lack of physical intimacy as a reason for divorce. Experts report that a surprising number of couples live in “sexless” marriages. When spouses are having difficulty with intimacy, one or both of the spouses may cheat or lose their sense of commitment to the relationship. In time, this situation can lead to a divorce.

Frequent Conflicts or Arguing

Spouses who argue frequently with one another or find themselves in constant conflicts may soon end up getting divorced. If this problem is not addressed through counseling or otherwise, a divorce is likely.

Communication Problems Between Spouses

Communication is essential for any healthy marriage. Communication in a good marriage involves more than sending text messages and emails to each other. Likewise, if one spouse is doing most of the talking or not listening, misunderstandings and hurt feelings can arise. There are many reasons why communication can fail and, potentially, many ways that a marriage counselor can help a couple fix this problem.

Domestic Violence

Physical violence is definitely a warning sign of a possible divorce. Although it can be complicated and sometimes dangerous to move forward, divorce is almost always the “right” answer where one spouse is the victim of domestic physical violence. In many marriages, divorce is the only way that an abused spouse can escape from a harmful situation. In South Carolina, a victim of physical abuse can obtain a fault-based divorce.

Many spouses also suffer from domestic verbal and mental abuse. While these attacks do not produce physical “bruises,” the damage can run deep and be fatal to a marriage. However, South Carolina does not recognize mental cruelty or verbal abuse as a ground for a fault-based divorce.

Difference in Education or Intellect

According to a study published in Southern England Psychological Services, a significant difference in education or intellect between spouses can cause serious problems in a marriage. Ultimately, those problems can lead to a divorce.

Contact a Divorce Attorney in Charleston

If you are considering divorce or have questions about filing for a South Carolina divorce, our Charleston divorce lawyers can help you. Contact The Peck Law Firm today.

Recommendations For Additional Reading

Tactical Mistakes To Avoid in Your Divorce

Resources for Battered Women in Charleston

How To Choose When To File For Divorce

The Truth About 5 Charleston Divorce Myths