
Why Cheating is Rampant at This Time of Year and How to Catch the Cheater

Cheating on a spouse happens most often during the holiday season. This time of the year should offer an opportunity for family festivities. Yet husbands and wives also have affairs and cheat on their spouses at this time of the year. Why are more people cheating during the holidays? And what can you do to …

Co-Parenting Children During the Holidays

Co-parenting during the holidays is always complicated, and it can be especially tough immediately after a divorce or a breakup. You are probably remembering holidays in the past that you shared together as a family, and your kids are likely expecting certain family traditions to continue. In addition to feelings of sadness that you and …

Why Now is a Good Time to Meet with an Attorney and Start the Planning Process to File in the New Year

Considering divorce during the holidays can be difficult and emotional, especially if you have not shared your thoughts with your spouse and have not discussed your plans with friends or family members. When couples share kids from the marriage, plans to divorce can make the holiday season especially complicated and contentious. You might be thinking …

Divorce Myths Chapter 2: Splitting up Property

In our last article, we looked at divorce myths related to child custody and support. Today, we look at some of the most common myths regarding marital property and alimony. At The Peck Law Firm, we remain committed to helping men and women navigate the divorce process. Our clients need timely, accurate information about the …

Divorce Myths Chapter 1: Not Everything You Hear is True

When people begin thinking about divorce, they often start searching the internet for information on the process. Unfortunately, there is a lot of inaccurate information online. Even worse, some people make divorce decisions based on this misinformation. At The Peck Law Firm, we work regularly with people just like you who are considering divorce. The …

What Court Can Hear a Service Member’s Child Custody Dispute?

Members of the armed service get divorced just like civilians. But many unique legal issues arise in military divorces. Service members are rarely stationed in their hometowns. At the same time, they don’t become permanent residents of their base. Many are also on the move, perhaps being transferred around the country. You might find yourself …