Category Archives: Divorce for Women

Realistic Fears that Keep Women in Bad Marriages

Fear should never be the reason you stay. The following includes very realistic fears that keep some women in bad marriages. A skilled attorney can help you understand what to expect and how to mitigate these throughout each step of the process. Divorce Will Hurt the Kids If your first thought is about how the …

Why Do Men Cheat?

Marital cheating destroys trust. Cheating can take many different forms. In particular, when men go through a midlife crisis, infidelity may occur, and husbands can destroy their marriages. Despite the best efforts of spouses to work toward saving a marriage after infidelity, it may be impossible to return to the type of relationship you had …

Why Women Are More Likely to File for Divorce

Spouses in South Carolina file for divorce for many different reasons, from infidelity and financial problems in the marriage to communication problems and growing apart over time. But is one spouse more likely to actually take the step of filing for divorce than the other? According to some researchers and commentators, women are more likely …