Category Archives: Child Custody

FAQs About Modifying Child Support in South Carolina

Depending on the ages of your children when you go through divorce in South Carolina, child support could be an obligation that lasts for up to two decades. When you think about the way your life, your family, and your child can change over time, you can see why modification to child support could become …

Grandparent Rights to Grandchildren When it Comes to Divorce

The bond between a child and grandparents is an important one, and it can sometimes be among the closest relationships for the child outside the immediate family. Still, regardless of how devoted grandparents can be, they do not occupy the same position as parents. Therefore, it is understandable that you have concerns if your grandchild …

What Happens if the Parents are not Married?

The traditional view of the American family might have included husband, wife, and children years ago, but today’s version does not follow such rigid definitions. Couples often have children out of wedlock, in which case the official identity of the child’s father is not presumed by law as it is with married parents. To establish …

The Downsides of Exactly Equal Parenting

Equal shared parenting is often discussed as if it is ideal after a divorce. However, there are downsides to 50/50 shared custody that parents should consider. 50/50 Custody Can Be Disruptive for Your Child Children in general benefit from spending time with both parents, as long as the parents are fit. Yet 50/50 shared custody …

How to Co-Parent With a Toxic Ex-Spouse

Toxic relationships present unique challenges for co-parents. If  divorced your spouse due to toxic behavior, do not expect their behavior to change once the divorce is final. Toxic people often do not want to communicate properly. This means every custody exchange can become a battle. They may purposely arrive late for custody pickups and drop-offs. …

Can I Minimize How My Children Are Affected By Divorce?

Divorce can have a profound impact on your child, regardless of age. Many Charleston parents wonder if it’s best to wait until a child reaches a certain age before getting divorced. There is no universal answer to this, as divorce will always have an impact on children. Instead, if divorce is in your future, it …

Should I Stay in a Marriage for the Children?

Nearly half of parents stay together because of their kids. Is this a choice that you are currently making? While you might think that staying married to your spouse is ultimately what is in the best interests of your children, you might be surprised to learn that researchers often suggest the opposite. Many mental health …

What Special Arrangements Should Be Made in a Charleston Divorce Involving a Child With Special Needs?

One of the first thoughts that runs through your mind during your divorce is how the divorce will affect your children. You want to know if they will be upset, if your relationship with them will stay the same, and if you will still be able to see them when you want. If you are …