Author Archives: The Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

Complications for Dividing Art and Collectibles in a Divorce

Getting divorced in Charleston means that all of your property will need to be properly classified into categories of separate (or nonmarital) property and marital property. South Carolina law requires that all marital property, including assets and debts, be divided equitably between the spouses. In general, marital property includes assets and debts acquired or accrued …

What is Commingled Property in a Divorce?

Anyone who is getting divorced in South Carolina should know about property division rules. Under South Carolina law, all marital property is divided equitably between the parties. Indeed, South Carolina is known as an equitable distribution state. This means that the court will account for all property owned by the parties — separate (“nonmarital”) and …

What Are Hidden Assets in a Divorce?

Getting divorced in the Charleston area involves the equitable distribution of marital property. To be clear, in a South Carolina divorce, the court will need to identify all assets and debts owned by both spouses and then will need to determine whether those assets and debts should be classified as marital or separate property. Only …

What You Should Know About Property Division in Your Divorce

Anyone who is getting divorced in the Charleston area should know that South Carolina is an equitable distribution state. What that means is that all marital property will be divided between the spouses in a divorce case in a way that the court decides is fair to both of the spouses. There are various factors …