Author Archives: The Peck Law Firm Divorce Lawyers

Why You Should Deactivate Your Social Media During a Pending Divorce

Social media is not your friend during a divorce. Should I Keep Facebook During a Divorce? Social Media is Not the Place to Find Support You will need a lot of support during the divorce process. You may think that talking to your friends and followers on social media is a good way to get …

How Divorce Affects Federal Employees Retirement

If I’m divorcing a spouse who is a federal worker, can I keep any benefits? The Law Governing Federal Employee Benefits The majority of federal employees are enrolled in the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) or the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Unlike the retirement benefits available in the private sector, these benefits are not …

How are Military Retirement Benefits Divided in a Charleston Divorce?

Dividing military benefits is a crucial issue in military divorces. What Happens to Military Benefits After Divorce? Under the Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA), state courts can divide military pension benefits just as they divide other property in divorce. Changes to the USFSPA in 2017 now allow state courts to divide retirement pensions …

4 Critical Things to Know About Divorcing an Alcoholic

Divorce can be even harder when alcoholism is involved. Below are some things consider when divorcing an alcoholic. Habitual Drunkenness Provides Grounds for Divorce South Carolina law allows for both no-fault and fault-based grounds for divorce. If your spouse is an alcoholic, you can use this as grounds to divorce them. When making accusations of …

Child Custody Factors in a Military Divorce

Child custody issues can be much more complex in a military divorce than a traditional divorce. How is Child Custody Determined in a Military Divorce? In all South Carolina divorces that involve children, child custody is based on the best interests of the child. This includes military divorces. The best interests of the child include …